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OVO smart application
Download OVO Sekarang dan Dapatkan Manfaatnya OVO merupakan aplikasi smart yang memberikan Anda kesempatan lebih besar mengumpulkan poin di banyak tempat. Mau tahu apa saja yang bisa dilakukan dengan OVO? Anda bisa: ± 60.000 OutletMulai transaksi tanpa tunai di lebih dari 60.000 outlet dari Sabang – Merauke Indonesia. Simpel, Instan & AmanBebaskan diri Anda dari: resiko… Continue reading OVO smart application
Secure Android devices
Android incorporates industry-leading security features to keep the Android platform and ecosystem safe. Learn more about Android’s robust security model and rigorous security program. Android incorporates industry-leading security features and works with developers and device implementers to keep the Android platform and ecosystem safe. A robust security model is essential to enable a vigorous ecosystem… Continue reading Secure Android devices
Android 11
The OS that gets to what’s important Go straight to the stuff that matters most. Because Android 11 is optimised for how you use your phone. Giving you powerful device controls. And easier ways to manage conversations, privacy settings and so much more. Manage your conversations. See, respond to and control your conversations across multiple… Continue reading Android 11
DevStack has evolved to support a large number of configuration options and alternative platforms and support services. That evolution has grown well beyond what was originally intended and the majority of configuration combinations are rarely, if ever, tested. DevStack is not a general OpenStack installer and was never meant to be everything to everyone. Below… Continue reading Overview
DevStack Networking
An important part of the DevStack experience is networking that works by default for created guests. This might not be optimal for your particular testing environment, so this document tries its best to explain what’s going on. Defaults¶ If you don’t specify any configuration you will get the following: neutron (including l3 with openvswitch) private… Continue reading DevStack Networking
Contributing to DevStack
General¶ DevStack is written in UNIX shell script. It uses a number of bash-isms and so is limited to Bash (version 4 and up) and compatible shells. Shell script was chosen because it best illustrates the steps used to set up and interact with OpenStack components. DevStack’s official repository is located on at… Continue reading Contributing to DevStack
Deploying DevStack with LDAP
The OpenStack Identity service has the ability to integrate with LDAP. The goal of this guide is to walk you through setting up an LDAP-backed OpenStack development environment. Introduction¶ LDAP support in keystone is read-only. You can use it to back an entire OpenStack deployment to a single LDAP server, or you can use it… Continue reading Deploying DevStack with LDAP
Devstack with Octavia Load Balancing
Starting with the OpenStack Pike release, Octavia is now a standalone service providing load balancing services for OpenStack. This guide will show you how to create a devstack with Octavia API enabled. Phase 1: Create DevStack + 2 nova instances¶ First, set up a vm of your choice with at least 8 GB RAM and… Continue reading Devstack with Octavia Load Balancing
Nova and DevStack
This is a rough guide to various configuration parameters for nova running with DevStack. nova-serialproxy¶ In Juno, nova implemented a spec to allow read/write access to the serial console of an instance via nova-serialproxy. The service can be enabled by adding n-sproxy to ENABLED_SERVICES. Further options can be enabled via local.conf, e.g. [[post-config|$NOVA_CONF]] # #… Continue reading Nova and DevStack