The root directory for each HAP file of an application contains a config.json file, which provides the following information:
- Global configuration information of the application, including the basic information about the application, such as the bundle name, version number, and vendor
- Device-specific configuration information of the application, including the backup and restoration as well as network security capabilities of the application.
- Configuration information of the HAP file, including the basic attributes that must be defined for each ability (such as the bundle name, class name, and type) as well as the permissions required by the application to access a protected part of the system or another application
Configuration File Composition
The config.json file is developed in JSON format and contains a number of configuration items, each of which is an attribute-value pair.
- AttributeAttributes in this file are not ordered, but each attribute can appear only once.
- ValueThe value of each attribute is of a primitive JSON data type, including number, string, boolean, array, object, or null. If the attribute value needs to reference a resource file, seeĀ Resource File Categories.
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