Application Development Overview

To help you obtain helpful information quickly, documents are classified based on development scenarios, including General Development for a variety of devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, wearables, and smart TVs, Development for Atomic Services, and Development specific for wearables and smart TVs.

General Development

The following table guides you through the general process of developing HarmonyOS user applications on different types of devices.

Get to know HarmonyOSHave general knowledge about the system positioning, architecture, and technical features of HarmonyOS.Understand basic concepts of HarmonyOS application development.HarmonyOS OverviewDevelopment Fundamentals
Set up the development environment.Install HUAWEI DevEco Studio and configure the development environment.Quickly build the first application and get familiar with the HarmonyOS application development process.Downloading and Installing SoftwareConfiguring the Development EnvironmentGetting Started
Develop abilities.Ability is an essential part of HarmonyOS applications. HarmonyOS offers two types of abilities: Feature Ability (FA) and Particle Ability (PA).FAs support only the Page template, which is used to provide the capability of interacting with users.PAs support two templates: the Service template for PAs that provide background tasks, and the Data template for PAs that provide external data access.It is considered best practices to understand how to use an ability before you start developing HarmonyOS applications.Page AbilityService AbilityData Ability
Develop UI components.An FA needs a UI to interact with users. HarmonyOS provides Java UI and JS UI frameworks. Java UI provides fine-grained UI APIs to make your application development more flexible. JS UI provides high-level UI descriptions to simplify your application development.NOTEOnly the JS UI framework is currently available for developing applications on lite wearables. For details, see Lite Wearables Development Specifications.Java UI FrameworkJava API ReferenceJS UI FrameworkJS API Reference
Develop service functions.Example media functions: video, audio, image, and camera.Example security functions: permission and biometric recognition.Example AI functions: image super-resolution, voice recognition, and code generation.Example network connectivity functions: Near Field Communication (NFC), Bluetooth, and wireless local area network (WLAN).Example device management functions: sensors, misc devices, and location.Example data management functions: database, distributed data/file service, and fusion search.Example thread functions: thread management and inter-thread communication.Example IDL functions: declarations of service interfaces provided by system services and abilities for external systems and code generation.MediaSecurityAINetwork and ConnectivityDevice ManagementData ManagementThreadIDL Usage Guideline
Debug your application.If you debug your application on a real device, apply for a debugging certificate and configure signature information before compilation. In this way, the signed HAP will be generated during compilation and building.If you debug your application on the emulator, you can compile and build the HAP without requiring signature information.Debugging Your App on a Real DeviceDebugging Your App on the Emulator
Release your application.Apply for a releasing certificate, sign your application, and submit a release request.Releasing Your App

Atomic Service Development

In addition to the apps that are installed in a conventional manner, HarmonyOS supports installation-free apps, that is, Atomic Services, with specific functions for use in proper scenarios and on proper devices.

Different from apps installed in a conventional manner, Atomic Services are lightweight and can be instantly and precisely accessed through more entries. For details, see Atomic Service.

The following table lists related chapters of the development guide based on the basic development process.

TaskDevelopment ProcessRelated Chapter
Get to know HarmonyOS.Have general knowledge about the system positioning, technical features, and basic concepts of HarmonyOS, understand HarmonyOS application development fundamentals, and get familiar with the HarmonyOS application development process.HarmonyOS OverviewDevelopment FundamentalsGetting Started
Design an Atomic Service.The Atomic Service must meet the design specifications, covering the icons, service widgets, and distributed capabilities.Atomic Service Design Guide
Know the constraints of Atomic Services.Understand how to make calls between Atomic Services.Management over Invocations Among Third-Party Apps
Develop basic functions of the Atomic Service.Understand the overall development rules of Atomic Services and how to develop service widgets.Overall Development Requirements of Atomic ServicesService Widget Development Guide
Develop distributed capabilities of the Atomic Service.Learn how to develop distributed capabilities such as the hop and sharing.Hop Development GuideGuide of Service Sharing Based on Huawei Share
Debug and publish an Atomic Service.Learn how to debug and officially release an Atomic Service.Debugging and release of Atomic Services are the same as those of traditional applications that must be installed before use. For details, see:Debugging a HarmonyOS AppReleasing a HarmonyOS App

Device-specific Development

Additional development scenarios specific to wearables and smart TVs are not included in General Development. The following table outlines development guides for these scenarios.

Device TypeDescriptionLinks
WearableYou can develop common features such as audio, sensors, network connection, UI interaction, and message notifications for a wearable application through HarmonyOS APIs. You can also develop wearable-specific applications based on the characteristics of the wearables.Wearable
Smart TVYou can develop smart TV applications based on HarmonyOS to provide diverse distributed multimedia experience. These applications can use HarmonyOS APIs to implement features such as multimedia services, network access, and UI development.Smart TV

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